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Friday, January 30, 2009


It was a pretty quiet Lunar New Year Celebration 2009. Everyone seemed to have balik'ed kampung. But it was a very welcome rest for the whole team. Everyone had been working very hard.
However, the team in Bangi has to start work earlier than the in KL. We had a good start when our proposal which we presented to a potential partner, was well receieved and if all goes well, we would make a sale of approximately RM16000. (Yeayyy...) definitely a good start to the new year.
I have added a page from Master Andy Goh's webpage. This is for your reading pleasure ya.

The full link can be viewed at :

The year of Ox, the heavenly stem and earthly branch are both earth. The earthly branch consists of hidden elements water and gold. The global economy will begin to recover from the financial meltdown. 2009 is a year of opportunities with the emergence of many new global empires following the collapse of big names like Lehman Brothers. Under the new administration of Barack Obama (self element earth person), the Wall Street stock market will recover faster than expected as Barack Obama enters his peak luck cycle. We will see world major economies put aside their differences to overcome the financial crisis. The full impact of the unison can be seen in the second half of 2009.
The property market of United States will continue to recover as 2009 is the year of earth. Employment statistics will improve as United States’ job market bounce back from the financial meltdown. This will in turn lead to an improvement of the world’s stock market. However, many major corporations will also undergo restructuring or even a change in leadership. For further predictions on the luck cycle of key CEOs of key Wall Street corporations, please subscribe to our website updates.
Despite the recovery of stock market, some Asian economies will persist to slowdown. A major event will strike in a key Asia region in 2010. We will release further details concerning this event in the coming year.

The Chinese year typically starts from February 4 and ends February 3 the next year (although it can vary by one day). That means if you were born in January 1960, you need to look at forecast for the birth year 1959.
A Ba Zi forecast based solely on zodiac (year) is only 15% of the complete forecast incorporating a person's date and time of birth.

1924(86), 1936(74), 1948(62), 1960(50), 1972(38), 1984(26), 1996(14), 2008(2)
This is an excellent year for those born in the year of rat. You will receive unexpected aid from people as the nobleman appears. All unhappiness and unfortunate events since 2007 will be resolved and good fortune will follow. You can expect to move house, change job or make new friends. For males, there is a high possibility for you to meet your other half. At work, you can expect to receive a pay increment or promotions. Treasure the opportunities and chances as you can expect a great year ahead.
1925(85), 1937(73), 1949(61), 1961(49), 1973(37), 1985(25), 1997(13)
This is a year of fluctuations for those born in the year of ox. With the exception of those who has dog, ram or dragon in their other 3 known pillars who can expect great fortune. Otherwise, be prepared for a rough year ahead. You can expect a change in your living environment. Your wealth, romance and career luck will not be in your favour. We advise you to lower your expectations and prepare to downgrade your house or vehicle if necessary.
1926(84), 1938(72), 1950(60), 1962(48), 1974(36), 1986(24), 1998(12)
For those born in the year of Tiger, this is a year for you to achieve status and power. However, you have to strive hard and be able to take the pressure. The surface may seem calm for you but there are many on-going transactions underneath. For those with a favorable Ba Zi combination, you can expect to overcome your competitors and seize authority. On the other hand, for those with an unfavorable Ba Zi combination, you are likely to encounter lawsuits. Especially for females, we advise you to take extra caution as romance problems are very probable. (E.g. third party relationships or hidden relationships)
1927(83), 1939(71), 1951(59), 1963(47), 1975(35), 1987(23), 1999(11)
For those born in the year of rabbit, this is a year of average luck for you. You can expect to have many opportunities relating to unexpected wealth besides your main income. Only those with a favorable Ba Zi combination will be able to secure the unexpected wealth. For males, this is a year of romance for you. We advise you to avoid spending too much time on gambling, speculation and relationships as you will lose more than you gain. This will be a fairly neutral year for you.
1928(82), 1940(70), 1952(58), 1964(46), 1976(34), 1988(22), 2000(10)
For those born in the year of dragon, you can expect to experience a fluctuation of luck in 2009. This is a year which someone will enter your life leading to a change in lifestyle. You can expect to receive help from new found friends or even competitors. Hence, you can expect your work to be smoother with the given help. However, for certain Ba Zi combinations, such help may not be a positive event as this could backfire. You can only overcome the competitors when you have a stronger self element compared to your competitors. Otherwise, you may lose your power and become a subordinate instead. This will be a challenging and exciting year for you.
1929(81), 1941(69), 1953(57), 1965(45), 1977(33), 1989(21), 2001(9)
This is a favorable year for those born in the year of snake. You can expect to have a sudden burst of wisdom and eloquence. You will tend to have more desires and wants in this year. These desires and wants relate to your personal needs. However, you may not necessarily be able to achieve all your wants as it is dependent on your entire Ba Zi combination. You can expect to have more traveling opportunities. You will be extra vigilant hence able to grab every opportunity that comes your way, including romance.
1930(80), 1942(68), 1954(56), 1966(44), 1978(32), 1990(20), 2002(8)
This is an unfavorable year for those born in the year of horse. You can expect to encounter many problems and obstacles in the year. All your planning and decisions will be wrong and not supported by others. Misfortune will befall on your health, your wealth, career and even relationships. We advise you to keep a low profile and avoid any dispute with others or engaging in any form of investment since your luck is in a downtrend. Beware of backstabbing by strangers or even your close friends. Sudden events may strike and catch you unaware. Do take care!
1931(79), 1943(67), 1955(55), 1967(43), 1979(31), 1991(19), 2003(7)
This will be a year of ups and downs for those born in the year of ram. Among the twelve Zodiac signs, those who are born in the year of ram will experience the most fluctuations during the year. Your luck is dependent on the remaining of your Ba Zi chart. You will either (1) receive great wealth exceeding your expectation regardless of whether you are self-employed or a salaried employee; (2) many real life cases read by Master Andy Goh, this is also a year of misfortune such as operation, serious illness, accident or even death.
Note: We suggest those born in the year of ram take further advice from a Ba Zi master.
1932(78), 1944(66), 1956(54), 1968(42), 1980(30), 1992(18), 2004(6)
For those born in the year of monkey, this is a year of opportunities. You can expect to rely on others and receive support in return. You are able to use your excellent interpersonal skills to gain support. However, you will become more laid back and relaxed. Your decision making will be hindered as you will be spoilt for choices. We advise you to be firm and sharp in grabbing all opportunities instead of wasting time in making a decision as the opportunity will pass by quickly.
1933(77), 1945(65), 1957(53), 1969(41), 1981(29), 1993(17), 2005(5)
For those born in the year of rooster, this is a year of opportunities. Similar to the year of monkey, this is a favorable year for you. You can expect to rely on others and receive support in return. You are able to use your excellent interpersonal skills to gain support. You are also able to make firm and sharp decisions. The sources of wealth, romance and opportunities you seek are highly probable to be from overseas or other states. For singles, you will have many opportunities to find romance. For those who are in a relationship, this is an excellent year for settlement.
1934(76), 1946(64), 1958(52), 1970(40), 1982(28), 1994(16), 2006(4)
This is a year of ups and downs for those born in the year of dog, similar to those born in the year of ram. However, the impact is less as compared to the year of ram. On the positive side, this is one of the best ruling years for you to fulfill your dream. You will be given opportunities to expand your business or even excel in areas you have been planning for years. You will receive a sudden fortune of unexpected wealth. On a negative note, if your wealth is represented by the wood element, 2009 will be an unfortunate year for you. Misfortunate such as operations, break-ups, accidents will befall on you.
1935(75), 1947(63), 1959(51), 1971(39), 1983(27), 1995(15), 2007(3)
For those born in the year of pig, you will have the opportunity to meet new people as well as catch up with old friends. These people may help or harm you, depending on the strength of your self element in your Ba Zi chart. If your Ba Zi combination is favorable, you will be able to ride on their help and have great achievements in the year. However, if your Ba Zi combination is unfavorable, these people will cause you to lose great opportunities such as your wealth, career or even romance. For those who are in a relationship, do be careful as a third party is likely to emerge. We advise you to choose your friends wisely.
© 2008 Master Andy Goh

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